Temperature and Humidity readings capture using DHT22/AM2302 on Raspberry PI

Following from the previous article, in this one we are going to record temperature and humidity using the following setup, a link to the wiring can be found below.

**A humble setup**

**the wiring diagram***

First, follow the instructions to install wiringpi here. Further download and make the program to access the sensor readings,

cd /opt/
git clone https://github.com/technion/lol_dht22
cd lol_dht22

here's the output

pi@raspberrypi:~/lol_dht22 $ sudo ./loldht 7
Raspberry Pi wiringPi DHT22 reader
Humidity = 55.20 % Temperature = 27.20 *C

#7 is the Pi1 mobel B GPIO pin#


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