A quick k8s environment setup



If you intend to thwart any attacks against your cloud environment, awareness and knowledge of the current and emerging threat landscape, attack vectors and attack paths are vital. Attackers generally start at poking at the externally hosted assets, they enumerate for its services, any domains, and sub-domains the company have, any web apps hosted on these domains, any mobile apps and sensitive information they leak, which hosting / cloud provider the apps are hosted on, does the company use any public Git repositories, the technology stack of the apps, and its supply chain. These knowledge gathering tasks we collectively call Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Gathering techniques. Attackers do not leave a stone unturned, after all they have all the time in their hands.

Therefore, it becomes paramount for us cyber security folks to ensure we are top of the latest threats and exploits, this blog series is an attempt to present a catalogue of various cloud-based attacks and remediation. We start with the Kubernetes (k8s), we come across so many companies that have implemented highly containerised micro-services-based applications, some even have these matured solutions running on multiple cloud providers and whilst some just starting on the journey. So, it becomes more important to be able to emulate k8s attacks and remediate our cloud solutions, bolster the security posture, thereby start tackle the main piece at the centre, the k8s.

Coming back to this blog item, this specific iteration is related to the initial lab setup and k8s attack using a vulnerable application to gain the initial access. To start with, we will be looking into developing our own Kubernetes (k8s) cluster locally on our laptop, with a local registry, the aim is to recreate a local environment potentially representing a home grown k8s environment for their apps and hosted the solution on a public cloud offering such as AWS EC2, a lot of clients we've come across do this.

This blog is aimed at anyone, who is keen to develop the knowledge on implementing container environments locally and subsequently use these as a playground to emulate and defend the cloud-based attacks. We shall be referencing the MITRE ATT&CK framework – Kubernetes threat matrix in this series, going back and forth to it.

What is needed to setup a local Kubernetes Lab?

As mentioned above to emulate attacks on the underlying k8s we need to obtain initial access and some sort of remote code execution, one of the methods to achieve this is to exploit a web application vulnerability. To ensure we dive straight into K8 attacks we have used a containerised version of DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web Application) to achieve the code execution.

Kind (Kubernetes in Docker)

Kind performs better compared to minikube which relies on virtualisation, and we can run multiple clusters with ease, therefore in article we’ve used it to deploy the Kubernetes cluster.

Kind is basically running Kubernetes inside a Docker container. Kind was initially developed to test Kubernetes itself, there are several advantages some of them is to use any newer or older version of k8s and run multiple clusters simultaneously.

Firstly, we will install Kind on our local machine, we’ve attempted to install kind on Mac and Linux, both works. But for consistency the following command will install kind on Arch Linux.

yay -Sy kind

If it’s not installed install docker.

yay -Sy docker

If you need a graphical interface to manage the docker containers, registry and images, so on, consider using portainer, which can also be run as a container by using the command below:

docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name=portainer --restart=unless-stopped -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce

Do we need a registry?

We may need a registry to keep local images for the lab, several container specific attacks arise from running vulnerable container images, in this blog series we will push vulnerable images, and build containers/pods with these, further we shall also be looking at tools that are available to scan these images for vulnerabilities, as building secure images is paramount in k8s security.

A local registry can be implemented as follows.


set -o errexit


# create registry container unless it already exists



if [ "$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' "${reg_name}" 2>/dev/null || true)" != 'true' ]; then

  docker run \

    -d --restart=always -p "${reg_port}:5000" --name "${reg_name}" \




# connect the registry to the cluster network if not already connected

if [ "$(docker inspect -f='{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks.kind}}' "${reg_name}")" = 'null' ]; then

  docker network connect "kind" "${reg_name}"



# Document the local registry

# https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/tree/master/keps/sig-cluster-lifecycle/generic/1755-communicating-a-local-registry

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -

apiVersion: v1

kind: ConfigMap


  name: local-registry-hosting

  namespace: kube-public


  localRegistryHosting.v1: |

    host: "localhost:${reg_port}"

    help: "https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/local-registry/"


Create the Cluster

Now we can create the cluster with one control plane node and three worker nodes, as follows.

cat <<EOF | kind create cluster --name randomrobbie --config=-

kind: Cluster

apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4


- role: control-plane

  image: kindest/node:v1.23.4@sha256:0e34f0d0fd448aa2f2819cfd74e99fe5793a6e4938b328f657c8e3f81ee0dfb9

- role: worker

  image: kindest/node:v1.23.4@sha256:0e34f0d0fd448aa2f2819cfd74e99fe5793a6e4938b328f657c8e3f81ee0dfb9

- role: worker

  image: kindest/node:v1.23.4@sha256:0e34f0d0fd448aa2f2819cfd74e99fe5793a6e4938b328f657c8e3f81ee0dfb9

- role: worker

  image: kindest/node:v1.23.4@sha256:0e34f0d0fd448aa2f2819cfd74e99fe5793a6e4938b328f657c8e3f81ee0dfb9


- |-


    endpoint = ["http://kind-registry:5000"]


Creating cluster "randomrobbie" ...

  Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.23.4) 🖼

  Preparing nodes 📦 📦 📦 📦

  Writing configuration 📜

  Starting control-plane 🕹

  Installing CNI 🔌

  Installing StorageClass 💾

  Joining worker nodes 🚜

Set kubectl context to "kind-randomrobbie"

You can now use your cluster with:

kubectl cluster-info --context kind-randomrobbie

Have a nice day! 👋

 By now the most of the initial setup tasks for creating the k8s infrastructure is complete. We now move on to deploying the DVWA application on this this cluster using the kubectl command. To confirm we are operating with in the right context for kubectl to work, we can execute the following command. As you can see below our “randomrobbie” cluster is selected by default as its the recently created cluster.

> kubectl config get-contexts

CURRENT   NAME                CLUSTER             AUTHINFO            NAMESPACE

          kind-kind           kind-kind           kind-kind          

*         kind-randomrobbie   kind-randomrobbie   kind-randomrobbie  

          minikube            minikube            minikube            default

If not, set the default cluster as follows:

kubectl config use-context kind-randomrobbie

Deploy the App in the Cluster

The following command is run to deploy the DVWA application in the cluster.

kubectl apply -f dvwa.yml


> cat dvwa.yml


kind: Service

apiVersion: v1


  name: dvwa-svc


  type: NodePort


  - port: 80

    protocol: TCP

    targetPort: 80


    app: dvwa


kind: Deployment

apiVersion: apps/v1


  name: dvwa


  replicas: 1



       app: dvwa




        app: dvwa



      - name: dvwa-web

        image: vulnerables/web-dvwa


        - containerPort: 80



            port: 80

The following command will list the services deployed within the cluster, the HTTP service we shall be using to attack the cluster with.

kubectl get services

However, since we haven’t deployed an Ingress controller any services deployed on the cluster will not be accessible on the host machine, therefore we need to port-forward to access the remote service:

kubectl port-forward svc/dvwa-svc 8000:80

Finally, just browse to the service:



In this article we aimed for building a local k8s cluster with local registry enabled, and we deployed a vulnerable app on the cluster to be able to conduct the initial access attacks, eventually to gain shell access on the k8s pod.

In the next article we shall conduct the actual attacks, gain a shell, perform privilege escalation attacks, and subsequently escape the pod.


Reference diagram of the architecture – Kind






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